Optimus Computer Institute







मागे जाण्यासाठी


( CCC ) Course on Computer Concepts (M.S.Office2019)


   3 Month      

About this Course

  •  CCC Syllabus
  1. Ms. word
    1.  Creating, editing, saving and printing text documents
    2.  Font and paragraph formatting
    3.  Simple character formatting
    4.  Inserting tables, smart art, page breaks
    5.  Using lists and styles
    6.  Working with images
    7.  Using Spelling and Grammar check
    8.  Understanding document properties
    9.  Mail Merge
  2. Ms. Excel
    1.  Spreadsheet basics
    2.  Creating, editing, saving and printing spreadsheets
    3.  Working with functions & formulas
    4.  Modifying worksheets with color & autoformats
    5.  Graphically representing data : Charts & Graphs
    6.  Speeding data entry : Using Data Forms
    7.  Analyzing data : Data Menu, Subtotal, Filtering Data
    8.  Fojorksheets
    9.  Securing & Protecting spreadsheets

         3. Ms. Power Point

  1.  Opening, viewing, creating, and printing slides
  2.  Applying auto layouts
  3.  Adding custom animation
  4.  Using slide transitions
  5.  Graphically representing data : Charts & Graphs
  6.  Creating Professional Slide for Presentation.
  1. 4. Internet
    1.  Understanding how to search/Google
    2.  bookmarking and Going to a specific website
    3.  Copy and paste Internet content into your word file and emails
    4.  Understanding social media platforms such as Facebook & Many more
    5.  learn with best practices
  • CCC Syllabus

With Live Practise